

What Type of Mindset Must I Have to be Successful as a Passive Investor?

Having the right mindset is key to achieving your goals and dreams. We’d say, it plays the single most significant role in determining your success. It’s the difference between those who succeed and those who don’t.

If you want to thrive in any area in your life, including investing, you must learn to master your mindset.

First, why do so many passive investors put their money and focus into real estate investing?

·        Cash flow

·        ROI

o   Much higher returns than other investments, especially long term

·        Tax deductions

o   As an investor in real estate you will reap the benefits

We talk with people all the time about these benefits. All of them are excited about the great potential in investing in real estate, but don’t take action. They have the money to invest and know the advantages, so what’s stopping them?

We believe if they change their mindset, they will be set up to succeed as a passive investor.


 Be open- minded

Because real estate investing is new and unfamiliar, passive investors seek help from financial advisors on where they should put their money.  The problem is most push you to invest in the stock market.

·        This is how they get paid

It’s important to explore all of your options with an open- mind as a passive investor. In our world today there are so many passive investing opportunities.

Have a leader mentality

If your friends and family aren’t familiar with real estate investing, don’t let that stop you from taking the first step. Be willing to take action and be the first. When you start reaping the benefits you will be able to help others discover investing opportunities outside of the stock market.

Take control of your own life by taking a chance and seeing where it can lead.


Have a growth mindset

Many people get overwhelmed with new information causing them to over-think a new opportunity. They begin to fear they will make the wrong decision so they end up not making any decision.

Have you heard the phrase “growth happens outside your comfort zone?” Coming out of your comfort zone can be scary and intimating at first, but the people who challenge themselves and GO FOR IT, are creating more room for growth, knowledge, and opportunity.


Mindset is one of the most powerful tools we have. Once we master it, we are unstoppable.

So, if you have been thinking about passively investing in real estate and are ready to put your mind on the path to success, we invite you to join our Investor Club. Once you join the Wagers Capital Investor Club you will have the ability to book a 1:1 Investor Strategy Session where you will walk away understanding:

·        Clarity on your wealth goals

·        Your current ability to invest

·        Which milestones make the most sense for you

·        A roadmap to your wealth plan


We look forward to starting your journey in real estate investing!


Northwest Capital Partners