

The Secret to Increasing Your Net Worth by $1M in 3-5 Years

Part 2:

What are the wealthy doing to build net worth?


  • Invest

  • In multiple different investment vehicles

  • = multiple income streams


They are investing their money rather than spending extra money they don’t actually have. They usually invest in multiple different investment vehicles other than just a 401k.  Instead of buying the shiny “thing,” they are waiting and investing their money so that the investment will pay for the “shiny thing” instead of their job. They understand the benefits of delayed gratification vs instant gratification.


By investing their money, they are solving multiple problems at the same time. A second stream of income is being created and giving them the option to expand or replace their income. Also, they are setting themselves up for a healthy retirement with low to 0 debt so they are able to achieve their desired lifestyle.


In the first part, we discussed some problems many of us face in retirement today. Look out for part 3 next week where we discuss what actions you can take when investing your money just like the wealthy to minimize or avoid these problems so you can create a better retirement.


In the meantime, I invite you to download my free eBook. “The Busy Professionals Guide to Creating a Diversified Wealth Plan & Why the Ultra Wealthy Expand Their Portfolio with this One Investment.”

Northwest Capital Partners