

The Secret to Increasing Your Net Worth by $1M in 3-5 Years

Part 3:

How can you start building your net worth today?


It’s never too early to start building your net worth and it isn’t too late either. I want to share some tips with you so that you can get on the right track towards creating a safe/healthy retirement.


 ·         What do you want retirement to look like?

·         Invest your money

·         Create multiple streams of income

·         Create passive income

·        Live the life you desire

First, it is important to decide what you want your retirement to look like. Do you want extra cash flow? Are you thinking about retiring early so you can spend more time with your family? Maybe you aren’t exactly sure yet, but you want the opportunity to expand or replace your income so you have options later. Paint a picture in your mind of how you see yourself in 10, 20, 50 years.


Once you have a clear picture you can decide what actions you need to take in your current situation in order to get there.

In the last part we mentioned spending money we don’t actually have and the consequences it may have long term. It is important to be aware and track spending habits so you don’t end up in a bad debt situation. Again, bad debt we are paying interest vs good debt where the investment is paying for itself. This goes back to thinking about the future and practicing delayed gratification.

Invest your money passively-specifically in commercial real estate.

Having a safe place to put your money where it will grow is essential to creating a healthy retirement. You will have more time to focus on other income streams and anything else that makes you happy when you invest passively in commercial real estate.

I know this because I experienced first-hand the benefits of what commercial real estate investing can do when it comes to reaching milestones.

I am passionate about helping others grow their wealth through commercial real estate so they can live the life they desire and have the option to expand or replace their income.

If this sounds like something you are interested in learning more about, I invite you to download my free eBook, “The Busy Professionals Guide to Creating a Diversified Wealth Plan & Why the Ultra Wealthy Expand Their Portfolio with This One Investment.”

If you are ready to start your journey in building wealth today, I invite you to join our Investors Club where we can share current investment opportunities with you. Once you submit the short survey to join Wagers Capital, you will then have the ability to book a 1:1 investor strategy session.

I look forward to starting your journey to passivity!

Northwest Capital Partners